Since today is Mother's Day, it seems only appropriate that I dedicate a post to my #1 heroes and fans: my 2 amazing mothers.
These two women have taught me so much, and I owe them everything. Together, they have showed me what true-love looks like, and that no matter how difficult you are, there is someone out there who will put up with your shit (the best part is, I'm not as difficult as my mother). When I look at them, I believe in love and that the best things in life have no monetary value. They've taught me that family is what you make it, blood ties aren't the same as love ties. They've raised me to believe in my dreams, and that I can accomplish anything. Without them, I wouldn't be the sassy, smart, creative, independent, fierce woman I am today (they were great models to follow).
Momma bear, you are my best friend. I enjoy every moment I spend with you (okay, maybe not the ones where you're super cranky). You're the best running partner a girl could ask for (even if you're a little over zealous with the photo ops). You've always been there for me and stood by my side. Together, we proved that anything is possible with a little sweat and lots of hard work when we crossed that finish line together in October. You pushed me when I wanted to quit, and I pulled you when you reached your limits. I couldn't imagine my life without you as my mother.
Traci, I've never thought of you as anything less than my mom. You've done everything that a mother would do for her child, and never saw me as anything less than your own. You're the most selfless person I know, and I will never be able to repay you for everything you've done for me the past 15 years (and counting). You've given me a great example of how I want to be treated, and I can only hope to find someone to put up with me the way you put up with mom (we all know that you're probably the easiest person in this house to get along with).
Both of you have given me the chance to be who I want to be. You've sacrificed so much for me, and I will be forever thankful for that. There's nothing I can do that would ever come close to repaying you. You've taught me to ask the tough questions, push through things- no matter how hard it gets, believe in my self, and love unconditionally and wholeheartedly.
I wouldn't be who I am, or where I am, without the two of you standing by my side.
Thank you, for everyone you have done, are doing, and will continue to do. I hope that when I have my own daughter, I can be a mother for her, as amazing as you two are for me.
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